The p3d logo. a general data-reduction tool for fiber-fed integral-field spectrographs
About p3d




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About p3d

p3d is a general data-reduction tool intended to be used with data of fiber-fed integral field spectrographs (IFSs). The p3d spectrum viewer can be used with IFS data cubes of any origin. This tool can be useful for people who have access to astronomical data of such an instrument. Data-reduction tasks, which are performed by p3d, convert raw data of CCD detectors into extracted spectra that can thereafter be used for scientific purposes.

Version 2.10 was released 2023-01-01.


The aim with p3d is and has been to write a user-friendly tool that will reduce the time spent performing repetitive tasks in IFS data-reduction. p3d can combine several images (exposures) into one image, clean single images of cosmic-ray hits, can extract spectra using three different methods, does full error propagation through all steps, and provides graphical tools for inspection of both intermediate and final results. Release 2.10 of p3d contains tools to handle the following tasks:

p3d also provides output and graphical tools to inspect raw data and outcome of the different tasks. Flux calibration can be done both with the routines of p3d, or with, for example, IRAF.

Tutorials are available for a number of selected instrument setups on the Documentation & Tutorials page. The tutorials cover all basic and necessary steps to configure p3d for a new instrument (one example), reduce data (three example, and visualize reduced data (three examples).

Primary Reference
The primary reference regarding the functionality, the methods, and the implementation of p3d is:
"p3d: a general data-reduction tool for fiber-fed integral-field spectrographs", C. Sandin, T. Becker, M.M. Roth, J. Gerssen, A. Monreal-Ibero, P. Böhm, and P. Weilbacher 2010, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 515, pp.A35.

This is also the reference that should be used in publications that have made use of p3d for the data reduction. Additional references and links to those references are provided on the references page; please have a look at this page to see which other references you will want to cite.

If your research benefits from the use of p3d, we would appreciate the following acknowledgement in your paper: "This research has made use of the integral-field spectroscopy data-reduction tool p3d, which is provided by the Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP).".

Additional presentations of p3d

Christer Sandin gave a presentation with the title "Integral-Field Spectroscopy Data Reduction Made Easy with p3d" in October 2010, at the STScI-workshop "IFUs in the era of JWST". Please, follow this link and watch the presentation.

Software platform

p3d is written in the IDL language of Harris / EXELIS Visual Information Solutionsp3d can consequently be used on three platforms: Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows. While p3d is licensed under GPLv3 and can be used freely with the help of provided tools, IDL is in itself a proprietary program.

Supported instruments

We refer to p3d as a general tool since it has been developed to work with any fiber-fed integral field unit (IFU) of any IFS. Currently, the software has been configured and tested with the following instruments:

The future

A tool as complex as p3d is never finished. There are several parts of p3d, which could be extended and improved upon. Additional tools could be written in order to optimize the control and analysis of the outcome. p3d can also, if required, be configured for more instruments. If and how this will happen at large depends on the interest of the community. Please, tell us if there is some functionality missing, in your opinion, or if you need support for another instrument. We are scientists with limited resources, but we will do what we can to help you out. We do consider taking on people with a suitable expertise in our development team.

The p3d team
ninth version, for php 5.4: 2018-03-15
eighth version, for release 2.5: 2017-06-28
seventh version, for release 2.3: 2015-12-16
sixth version, for release 2.2: 2012-12-13
fifth version, for release 2.1.2: 2012-04-23
fourth version, for release 2.1: 2011-11-24
third version, for release 2.0: 2011-06-20
second version, for release 2.0a: 2011-01-26
first version: 2010-02-04

page last updated on: Sunday January 1, 2023 16:54:33; retrieved on: Monday March 3, 2025 21:29:48