Authors & Thanks
Christer Sandin | programming, author of the documentation; e-mail. |
Additional contributors | |
Peter Weilbacher | Peter has contributed some of the source code of p3d, and also reviews the documentation. Most recently he has ported the cross-dispersion line fitting routine from IDL to C (p3d_cprof.c); the C routine is parallelized using OpenMP. |
Fachreddin Tabataba-Vakili | Fachreddin has ported the multi-profile deconvolution spectrum extraction routine from IDL ( to automatically compiled C (p3d_cmpd.c). He has also made the main work on the inclusion of interactive flux calibration (using a graphical user interface) in p3d. He has moreover written a tool that generates IDL runtime distributions, and he has implemented a new queue system (written in Python) to ease the access of p3d on systems without an IDL license. He has then ported the cosmic-ray cleaning routine to C (p3d_ccr.c). Finally, he has ported routines for the extraction of pixel-based cross-dispersion profiles (p3d_cpixex.c), the combining of images (p3d_cimcom.c), and the dispersion correction (p3d_disco.c) to C. All C routines are parallelized using OpenMP. |
Ole Streicher | Ole has written and also supports the various programs that are used to automatically prepare the web-site documentation of p3d. |
Joris Gerssen | Until the publication of the A&A paper, Joris was working on the improvement of the treatment of the wavelength calibration in order to make it more intuitive than it used to be. |
Testing | |
Benito Moralejo | Benito has carried out very precise data reduction, whereby he has found multiple issues that could be fixed. |
Christian Herenz | Christian is extremely careful with his data-reduction work. He has alerted us on several issues and problems for improvement. |
Sebastian Kamann | Sebastian is working through his data-reduction sessions very carefully. While doing this he has spotted several bugs and also come with some suggestions for improvement. |
Marijn de Bont | Marijn has spotted a number of minor bugs, which have all been fixed. |
Ana Monreal-Ibero (IAA) | Until the publication of the A&A paper, Ana was working on testing the wavelength calibration of p3d for PMAS/LARR against a similar calibration that was carried out with IRAF. |
Luzma Cairós | Until the publication of the A&A paper, Luzma was working on careful tests of the dispersion-mask creation tool and gave valuable input that helped us to improve it. |
Indirect contributions | |
Jeremy Walsh (ESO) | Jeremy Walsh has worked on the correction for differential atmospheric refraction (DAR) since at least 1990 (Walsh & Roy 1990). With his permission parts of the method and functionality of his DAR code has been implemented in p3d; see the routine p3d_darc of release 2.1 and later. |
Pieter van Dokkum (Yale) and Josh Bloom (UC Berkeley) | Pieter van Dokkum published an algorithm that works well at removing cosmic-ray hits in images (2001), while Josh Bloom provided an IDL version of the original IRAF routine; the original codes can be found here. With their permission the L.A. Cosmic routine has been included in p3d in a GPLv3 version that has been adapted for IFS; see the routine p3d_tool_crays_lacosmic of release 2.1 and later. |
Bernd Husemann | Bernd has convinced me to include his modifications to the L.A. Cosmic routine which makes it work well with IFS data; see the routine p3d_crays_lacosmic of release 2.1 and later. |
Contributors to the now historical, but also pioneering, versions of p3d | |
Thomas Becker | Thomas wrote the first version of many parts of p3d for a large number of instruments. The public release version is based upon the earlier variant of p3d that was called p3d_online. |
Petra Böhm | Petra maintained all previous versions of p3d (including p3d_online, ppak_online, virus_online, p3d, etc.), she also fixed many bugs and wrote various supporting documents. |
Martin Matthias Roth | Martin worked with the software design of early versions of p3d, and was also the PhD advisor to Thomas Becker. |
The affiliation of all contributors is, unless otherwise noted: Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP) An der Sternwarte 16 D-14482 Potsdam Germany Tel: +49-(0)331-74990 Beginning with release 2.4.1, Christer Sandin has the following affiliation: Sandin Advanced Visualization (SAV), Stockholm Sweden |
Special thanks – to the following people, who have provided us with information, and data, which have helped us to make the most out of p3d: | |
Josh Adams | The Mitchell Spectrograph [Virus-P] |
Stefano Ciroi | MPFS |
Maximilian Fabricius | Virus-W |
Thomas Fechner | PMAS |
Emily Freeland | FLAMES/mini-IFUs |
Monica Relaño | PMAS/LARR data that was used by Ana Monreal-Ibero to evaluate the performance of p3d |
Quentin Parker | AAOMEGA/SPIRAL data |
Cristina Zurita Espinosa | WHT/Integral |
The staff | of the Calar Alto Observatory, PMAS everything |